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Vivobarefoot Benefits: Can these Shoes Help Put Injuries Behind You?

Updated: Oct 25, 2024

vivobarefoot shoes

Vivobarefoot Benefits: What can these shoes do for you?

The Vivo barefoot shoe is designed to act as if you are not wearing shoes at all. They come with just 3mm of thin cushion underneath your foot so you can start to learn how to run with proper form again and can start to strengthen your feet and legs. The benefits of learning how to run in the Vivobarefoot shoes are endless, but are they your injury solution? Learning how to run barefoot has many benefits.


  • Weight: 232 grams

  • 0mm heel-to-toe drop

  • 7mm stack height

  • Primus outer sole (to help you get as close to the ground as possible

  • Tough rubber compound

  • Sticky grip

  • Polyester upper

They are obviously ultra-light, which helps you to learn how to run with full range of motion, they are light enough for you to be able to pick up heel up properly underneath you and to develop your knee drive well. Looking at those specs, it is no wonder they are called 'minimalist shoes'.


Why these shoes? Will they help to fix your injuries?

Running injuries are a huge part of running, if you are a runner then it is highly likely you have experienced the lows of injuries. But we evolved as runners throughout time, we used to hunt animals to exhaustion, running up to 50 miles at a time. We are not meant to be getting injured.

So, where are these injuries coming from? Why do some runners seem to never get injured? And what can we do to put an end to our injury problems?

Well, we are built to run long distances and until we start to mess up our bodies we are brilliant at running, we can run with great form and aren't susceptible to the typical running injuries. Then, when we turn about 4, we are forced to sit down for 6 hours a day in a very unnatural position (a small chair in a school). This tightens our hip flexors, makes our glutes inactive, and makes the quad dominant. All of this leads to us running in bad form and causing injuries. So, to reverse this damage you should be sure to do proper dynamic stretches and drills and get doing proper strength training for runners to prevent injuries.

The other huge aspect which dooms us to lead a life of injuries is wearing shoes (specifically ones with big cushioned heels), this again is very unnatural. Think of our ancestors who ran for hours hunting- they were doing this barefoot. Only wearing running shoes with big cushioned heels is going to lead to running injuries.

But don't worry- you don't have to run barefoot all the time or even completely give up the nice cushioned shoes.


The East-African mystery

East Africans are the best runners on the planet, and a big part of this is down to the fact that they can always train and they nearly never get injured. But, if you think about the lifestyle that they live, it kind of makes sense:

  • They rarely sit down- they can sit in a deep squat for hours and be just as comfortable as most people are sitting down.

  • They often don't grow up wearing shoes.

You can learn a lot from this lifestyle, however, you are probably not going to give up sitting down or wearing shoes. So, what can we do instead?


A word of caution

You should not just throw away your running shoes and turn straight to these, to begin with, or even ever.

You can start with doing just a 5-minute jog 2-3 times per week in the Vivobarefoot, even this could lead you to ache a little bit. You can build up slowly over time, remember your body is not used to this yet. You can add a few minutes to each run slowly over time.

Once you can get to the point where you can run for 30 minutes in these shoes and it feels comfortable and you don't ache from these runs, then you can add in some strides afterward to further focus on running with good running form.

By the time you get to this stage, your lower legs are going to be a lot stronger, your feet are going to be stronger and your form is going to have improved a lot!

Now, you can drop back to doing just one run in these shoes per week with strides at the end of the run. This is plenty enough for you to reap the benefits of these shoes.

Galen Rupp (Olympic Bronze (marathon) and Silver (10000m) medalist) was reported running in the Vivobarefoot shoes although he mainly ran in Nike structures for most of his runs.

I hope this Vivobarefoot review has helped you to deicide to buy a pair and start to put these pesky running injuries behind you!


Vivobarefoot running shoes


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