6 Gym Ball Exercises To Improve Your Core Strength
Updated: Oct 30, 2024

Why use gym balls exercises?
Gym balls exercises tend to be more interesting than the traditional ab workouts which can be boring, tedious, and seem like an inconvenient chore. Most people do the same as me and add core exercises to the end of a gym routine when they are most tired, this makes it even easier to skip your vital core routine. So, when we go the extra mile and try to regularly train our core by copying what we see some people do online or what we have seen people do in the gym- and then we don't get the improvement we want it can be very disheartening.
But, the same as it is with any muscle you train- not all exercise movements were created equal and a lot of core routines will miss important parts of the core. Through years of ego-driven motivation for a 6-pack, I slowly learned that some exercises worked a lot better and gave me a better workout in less time.
Read this blog from Asics: Why Runners Need A Strong Core.
Although I spread my workouts for core between gym ball exercises, kettlebells, ab rollers, hanging core workouts, and doing core without equipment- I found that training with gym exercise balls gave me the best results the fastest, and also I could hit all parts of my core effectively.
The gym exercise ball is the best for your core in my opinion because it is so versatile, you can do planks, sit-ups, glute bridges and so many more exercises on a gym ball. However, I feel like gym ball exercises for your core have died down a lot in recent years, they peaked around the '90s with all the Jane Fonda videos and right now they do more collecting dust in gyms than they get used to. But this piece of equipment will give you the best core workout of your life if you follow the exercises set out in this article.

Recommended gym exercise ball:
ProIron Anti-Burst Exercise Ball
Gym ball exercises for core
I train core with an ab workout 3 times per week, and just like any muscle group, I leave 48 hours between each workout. For all exercises allow a 30 seconds rest in-between.
1. Windscreen Wipers
8-12 reps
This exercise is great for training the muscles which are used to develop your rotational power. Windscreen wipers will not only kill your core, but they train your obliques, lower back, and hips as well .
2. Jack Knives
10-20 reps
Jack knives definitely require a decent amount of balance, but this is partly why they are so great for developing your core and also your lower back.
3. Mountain Climbers
20-40 reps
If you are a runner then this is an exercise that should be in your routine regularly as it works just about every muscle in the running action. This is another one that requires a bit of balance but you get a very strong core as a result, this is effectively a very advanced plank.
4. V-Pass Up
8-20 reps
Now, this exercise is a real burner. The V-pass-up gives you a great workout for your lower abs which can often go untrained in most core workouts.
You may also like: Gym Workouts For Runners.
5. Side Crunches
12-20 reps
Side crunches are another great exercise for your oblique and when I first started doing this exercise I could barely balance. Having your feet against something stable like a wall is vital for this exercise.
6. Back Raises
20 reps
Many people forget that your back is part of your core, I personally never end a core workout without doing some back raises.
Check out this blog from 'Running Magazine': 6 Back Exercises For Better Running Form.
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